Sydney Mardi Gras Co

Sydney Mardi Gras Co

(Community Recognition Statement, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

I put on record the great contribution of Sydney Mardi Gras co-chair Peter Urmson, who today announced he will step down from his role. Since joining the board in 2009, Mr Urmson has built solid partnerships with the City of Sydney, the New South Wales Government and Destination NSW to help showcase Sydney to the world during the festival.

The strong relationship between Mardi Gras and the New South Wales Government was evident last year when Premier O'Farrell became the first Premier to join the parade celebrations. Mr Urmson helped establish the Mardi Gras Museum and, along with Lord Mayor Clover Moore and me, helped launch Oxford Street's globally celebrated Rainbow Crossing. Mr Urmson has also led the way in encouraging greater youth involvement in the festival.

I would like to acknowledge his partner, Brenden Spencer, who has supported Peter through the many challenges presented by the role. Pete is a great friend, and I know he is motivated by passion for the LGBTI community and our equality.

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!