Greenwich Calls on Baird to Support LGBTI Community

Media Release

Alex Greenwich, the Independent member for Sydney, has successfully called on the new NSW Premier to continue the support of former Premiers towards the LGBTI community and grant free votes on LGBTI community related legislation:

Mr Greenwich said:

“I welcome the Premier’s support for the LGBTI community, and will work to ensure he keeps his word in the upcoming budget with many LGBTI organisations concerned about funding”

Mr Greenwich said Mr Baird’s support for a free vote on LGBTI Law reform will provide NSW MPs with the opportunity to open their hearts and minds to the reforms important to the community:

“From anti-discrimination protections to ending forced trans divorce, NSW Parliamentarians will have the opportunity to show their support for our community in upcoming legislative debates”

Mr Greenwich said Premier’s commitment to a free vote puts pressure on the Prime Minister to grant federal MPs the same opportunity:

“Mr Baird and Mr Abbott share the same electorate and socially conservative views on a number of topics. A point of difference is that Mr Baird is prepared to show the maturity to allow his MPs the ability to vote for the LGBTI community in important legislation” 

Mr Greenwich says the news gives him hope for an upcoming bill to end the requirement for couples to get divorced when one partner undergoes sex affirmation surgery, details HERE.

A transcript of Mr Greenwich's question and the Premier's answer will be available soon.