Land Clearing Continues

Land Clearing Continues

The deforestation of native bush is accelerating at alarming rates and risking our future. Biodiversity is essential to life yet threatened species’ native habitat is being rapidly destroyed. Earlier this year I made a statement in Parliament to oppose logging of state forests including old growth forests and recently I asked questions in Parliament to call for an overhaul of provisions that allow private land owners to clear bushland without oversight or safeguards to protect threatened species like the koala. A damning report from the Natural Resources Commission showed poor law and enforcement led to a dangerous surge in both illegal and legal deforestation since the government introduced a new regime – which I opposed at the time – and we urgently need a stronger the framework so that we don’t lose what is left. 

I encourage you to support the community campaigns working on reform, like the Nature Conservation Council: HERE. My March speech on biodiversity HERE and my latest questions: HERE

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