Alex's Update Issue 280
After horrendous exposés revealed shocking brutality in greyhound racing and the government agreed with the Special Commission of Inquiry’s conclusion that the industry could never operate without extensive cruelty, the government not only overturned its promised ban, it has increased subsidises to the industry. I’m appalled at the latest $500,000 for a new race at Wentworth Park and $200,000 to rebuild a racecourse. This follows this year’s budget which allocates funds from a new online gambling tax to the racing industry. Meanwhile, cruelty charges, dog deaths and injuries and discoveries of mass graves continue.
Sign the online petition against this move HERE and get informed about what happens at
My questions in Parliament to get action to improve the safety and amenity of Oxford Street continue to get promises of studies and plans but no action or outcomes. In 2016 the minister said the RMS undertook a ‘multi-modal assessment’ of Oxford Street and would undertake a ‘corridor strategy’ with a draft study report to be released in mid-2017. In 2017 the minister said a ‘Movement and Place framework’ was due to be completed in 2018.
Now in 2018 the minister says RMS is finalising a ‘road Network Plan’ for Oxford Street, but gave no details about timing or community consultation. The RMS controls Oxford Street and we need it to give this important main street priority. I will continue to push for action in Parliament.
The Sydney Harbour National Park at South Head provides a rare natural haven for city residents and visitors to enjoy native flora and fauna along the harbour with ocean cliffs, secluded beaches and national park. But its peace and tranquillity are at risk by a plan for two new function centres hosting up to 400 guests late into the night with associated traffic and noise.
National parks are there to conserve flora, fauna and heritage and provide opportunities to experience nature – they should not be overrun by commercial operations and my submission supported constituents’ concerns to propose the latest proposal, which I initially opposed in Parliament in 2016, HERE.
My submission is HERE. Objections are due 6 September and I encourage you to also make your concerns known. Information at
NSW is the only state not taking legislative action to ban lightweight single use plastic bags, with the minister leaving it to voluntary steps by industry. So the Boomerang Alliance is running a new social media campaign. Take photographs of plastic bag litter and post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Linkedin with the hashtags #plasticbaghunter #banthebag #waronwasteau #NSW. Information HERE.
Join the snap rally calling for real action on climate change from the new Prime Minister 12.30 Saturday 8 September 30 Kingsway Cronulla, information HERE.
There will be a by-election for the federal electorate of Wentworth soon. If you live there, now is the time to check or update your enrolment so you can help elect a new federal MP. Details at
I’ve updated my website – take a look and let me know what you think. Please let me know if there are problems or you find broken