Crown Lands Report
19 September 2016
The NSW Auditor-General’s scathing report on Crown lands management vindicates community concerns about poor oversight, lack of transparency and leases that may not be in the public interest. The Paddington Bowling Club is given as an example of these failings.
The Auditor-General says the Department’s business plan prioritises economic and financial outcomes over social and environmental outcomes.
The audit found the Department of Industry – Lands has just started monitoring whether tenants comply with lease conditions, does not know what is happening on most leased Crown land and is not following policies on rental rebates, unpaid rent and rent redeterminations. In the three years to 2015, nearly all leases and half of sales were negotiated directly with an individual, with no public expressions of interest. There are limited chances to participate in decisions about Crown land and limited public information.
The Auditor-General’s report is HERE.