Fair Treatment Campaign

Fair Treatment Campaign

(Community Recognition Statement, Thursday 13 May, Legislative Assembly NSW Parliament) 

On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I wish to congratulate the Uniting Church NSW/ACT on their Fair Treatment campaign and discussion paper 'Possession and Use of Drug, Options for Changing the Law'.

In 2016, the Uniting Church Synod resolved to support the decriminalisation of personal possession of small amounts of prohibited drugs and greater investment in drug and alcohol treatment, prompting the creation of the Fair Treatment campaign. I proudly hosted the Parliamentary Launch of event on 24 March in Parliament's Jubilee room and was very pleased with the strong representation from Members of Parliament, with more than 25 members attending and engaging. Rev. Hansford, the Uniting Church NSW/ACT moderator of, was one of a group of dynamic speakers from a variety of fields including legal, health, academics and people with lived experience who contributed to the success of the event. The Fair Treatment campaign marks another step in an important conversation about drug law reform and I hope to see continued engagement about a more compassionate, health based approach to drug law in NSW. I am proud to support and celebrate this important campaign and encourage community conversations for reform.

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!