Homelessness NSW
(Community Recognition Statement, 17 February 2022, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
On behalf of the Sydney electorate I wish to congratulate Homelessness NSW for winning Diamond and GOLD LearnX Awards for 2021.
LearnX Awards acknowledge excellence in learning, education, human resources and digital programs in the corporate, academia, public services, and not for profit sectors. Homelessness NSW's Specialist Homelessness Services Learning and Development Framework won the Diamond award for Best Talent Strategy – Career Development, the Diamond award for Best Talent Strategy – Organisation Development and the Gold award for Best Learning and Development Project – Leadership Development. The CIMS online learning developed by Homelessness NSW, Alison Serena and ID Crowd won the Gold award for Best Learning and Development Project – Technical skills. Homelessness NSW provides me with information and insight into homelessness and I value this leadership and advocacy. As a peak body, they contribute to improving policy and supporting effective service delivery initiatives. These awards recognise Homelessness NSW as an innovative and progressive organisation. I applaud Homelessness NSW and all involved for the programs and projects that have been awarded LearnX Awards and their continued service to our community.