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Sydney Update 93

17 Sep 2014

Your vote to be halved, Inner City High School, Western Harbour Super Precinct, Animal Welfare &a.....

Your vote to be halved

17 Sep 2014

Your vote to be halved: The government has released its amendments to the Shooters and Fishers Pa.....

Inner City High School

17 Sep 2014

Feedback on the Department of Education’s consultation calls for a new public high school, with a.....

Western Harbour Super Precinct

17 Sep 2014

Alarming media reports about 20 storey towers in Pyrmont and Glebe Island for a ‘Western Harbour .....

Animal Welfare & Northcott Pet Day

17 Sep 2014

Thanks to the animal welfare supporters who came to Parliament when I introduced my bill to give .....

Climate Action

17 Sep 2014

Join inner city residents to create a human sign and enjoy a friendly picnic to defend land and w.....

Dame Marie Bashir

17 Sep 2014

Outgoing NSW Governor Dame Marie Bashir has done a marvellous job, with very strong community sup.....

Civil Liberties Dinner

17 Sep 2014

Do you know about the Professor Ben Saul keynote Council of Civil Liberties address, internationa.....

Baird Set To Halve Residents Votes

17 Sep 2014

16 September 2014 The government has released its amendments to the Shooters and Fishers Party b.....

Press conference 1.15PM today as Liberals and Shooters team up to vote down democracy

17 Sep 2014

17 September 2014 The Coalition will  today force the City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill .....

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!