More Pyrmont Plans

More Pyrmont Plans

Pyrmont Peninsula sub-precinct master plans are on exhibition for public comment until 4 February.

This is not good timing given the end of year closures and holiday period and the massive impacts on existing communities and precincts. I will ask the minister to extend the consultation.

The planning controls will set building height and floor space ratios for development over the next 20 years. Four ‘key sites’ are identified: Mirvac’s Harbourside Shopping Centre, Infrastructure NSW’s Blackwattle Bay master plan, UTS Ultimo/Haymarket and The Star Casino, as well as the Metro station.

There are online information sessions and displays at the Pyrmont Community Centre or you can book a one-on-one session with a planner > HERE. Plain language summary > HERE

This process is one step in a series of planning rules being set, with City of Sydney changes to the Local Environment Plan for smaller sites to come later.

Detailed information about the proposed planning controls > HERE.

A Special Infrastructure Contribution of $15,000 for each new dwelling and $200 per square metre of non-residential gross floor area to help fund the new Pyrmont Metro station is also on exhibition for comment. New development within the Pyrmont Peninsula Special Contributions Area that covers the walking catchment of the Metro Station. This exclude Ultimo from Wentworth Park Road, but includes Wentworth Park and some land east of Darling Drive. Comment closes 14 January > HERE

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