Offshore Mining
Our fragile coastline is not the place for mining fossil fuels and that’s why I joined other teal independent candidates ahead of last year’s state election to commit to ending the PEP-11 gas exploration licence between the coast of Sydney and Newcastle. PEP-11 created significant risks to the marine environment from oil spills, gas leaks, sound, traffic and physical disturbance from activities and infrastructure like anchor chains, drill cuttings and drilling fluids.
Previous attempts to stop an extension and expansion of PEP-11 were successfully challenged in court which is why last year I referred a private member’s bill by the Liberal Member for Pittwater to an inquiry to determine whether it could withstand a court challenge. In response to the findings, the government introduced constitutionally sound legislation which has now passed.
It is hard to fathom that such a heavy industrial activity was contemplated along our beautiful coastline, and I hope the bill is the first in policies to protect the marine environment. My speech: HERE