(Community Recognition Statement, 17 February 2022, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I wish to put on record the achievements of the Queen Street West Woollahra Association. 

QSWWA has been operating since 1972, with passionate fights to protect the parklands, stop freeways through the residential area and maintain heritage buildings. The association aims to preserve and maintain the precinct's unique 'village' atmosphere, to strengthen community spirit and identity, and to support the village business centre. While in-person activities have had to be curtailed during the pandemic, QSWWA has an excellent track record of holding community events like Christmas Carols, painting competitions, clean up days, French Week, annual dinners and social events. The association holds regular forums to inform the community about projects and developments of concern so residents can speak out to maintain the features that make the precinct special, and the Village Voice magazine reports back to the community about events and activities. The group's coverage extends only a small way into the Sydney electorate, and this area moves to the Vaucluse electorate from 2023. I thank the many actively involved community-minded citizens who have made the QSWWA an effective channel for action and celebration for 50 years.

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!