Sydney Electorate Constituents
(Business of the House, 24 June 2015, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
I acknowledge the admirable work of three constituents who contribute a great deal to Sydney. King Fong is well known in the Chinese community for his business skills and his community involvement and work as an historian, including producing a publication that records 197 years of Chinese migrants and their descendants in Sydney. I appreciate King Fong's long-term contribution. Janine Barrett has been a leader at the Ultimo Public School Parents and Citizens Association at this important time in the school's history as it negotiates a new school. She has been a strong defender of the Powerhouse Museum and accessible play equipment. I have worked with Janine and am grateful for her energy and commitment to the local community. I also acknowledge Dan Stubbs for his leadership of the Inner City Legal Centre for six years. I value Dan's work to prevent discrimination and ensure access to justice especially for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community.