Ukraine Invasion

Ukraine Invasion

Like you, I have been deeply saddened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, resulting in hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees, conflict, death, injury and far reaching impacts on Ukraine society.

I worry about LGBTIQA+ people who will suffer significant discrimination under Putin’s oppressive dictatorship. I support the financial, travel and trade sanctions imposed on Russia and the NSW Government support for and active resettlement program. Information about the announced visas > HERE. Sign the online petition calling for refugee visas > HERE.

You can also help in practical ways. United Help Ukraine distributes donations, food and medical supplies > HERE. Red Cross provides clean water and safe living conditions > HERE. UNICEF provides emergency shelter and protection for children and families > HERE and the UN Ukraine Humanitarian Fund supports crisis responders > HERE.

This is a rapidly changing situation, with full impacts unknown and large scale war possible. Trustworthy information and news is vital. You can support local journalism from the Kyiv Independent > HERE.

The Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors STARTTS runs the Witness to War Hotline to support people who have experienced firsthand the impact of war and conflict, phone 1800 845 198.

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