Update Issue 157
Tuesday 23 February 2016
High School Consultation, Container Deposit Comment, Attend Apology for 78ers, Powerhouse Debate, Moore Park Roadway and Upcoming Events
High School Consultation
The Department of Education is calling for a community representative for the Project Reference Group working on plans for a new school. They plan a design competition this year with the new school to open in 2020. Details HERE.
Container Deposit Comment
There is still time to comment on the two government proposals for a NSW Container Deposit Scheme. One option provides for a proper refund scheme to reduce waste and recycle containers for refunds; the other beverage industry scheme focuses on ‘education’ and public bins.
I encourage you to support a real Container Deposit Scheme that has been proven effective for over 30 years in South Australia. Submissions close 26 February. Information HERE.
Attend Apology for 78ers
Join me in Parliament at 10.15am on Thursday 25 February for an historic apology from the NSW Parliament for the 24 June 1978 violence and public shaming of LGBTIQ activists and their allies by the police, government and media as they peacefully rallied for an end to criminalisation and discrimination. No need to RSVP.
Powerhouse Debate
Thursday 4pm also sees debate on the 10,000 signature petition I lodged in the Legislative Assembly against the dismantling of the Powerhouse Museum, relocation of some of its artefacts and sale of its Ultimo site for development. Join the mini-rally in Martin Place beforehand from 3.30pm. Details HERE.
Moore Park Roadway
Last week we learnt that six lanes of traffic will be redirected through Moore Park alongside Anzac Parade between the Tibby Cotter Bridge and Lang Road to hasten construction of the light rail tunnel under Anzac Parade. The government promised that no trees will be lost and the site will be remediated when traffic is returned to the roadway.
Open green space has again been given the lowest priority. I’m concerned about how we can achieve a cultural change that values our trees and open green space and will look at how I can help this shift.
Upcoming Events
Kings Cross Festival
This weekend is the Kings Cross Festival and I’ll join locals and visitors and help judge the Instagram Competition, so get your image of Kings Cross and surrounds in by Friday 26 February. Information HERE. Check the festival events HERE.
LGBTQI Refugee Forum
A panel of speakers including Dennis Altman, Che Bishop of the Asylum Seekers Centre, Imam Nur Warsame and Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson will speak at the Uniting Network Australia and Pitt St Uniting Church forum ‘LGBTQI Refugees: Australia can do more’ Wednesday 24 February 7-9pm at the Pitt Street Uniting Church. Register HERE.
Gaymers Convention
Australia's first ever queer gaming convention is on this weekend and I’ll join Lord Mayor Clover Moore for the opening event for queer inclusive space for gamers, geeks, and their allies. Details at www.gxaustralia.com.
‘Here I Am’ Documentary
A new documentary shows how LGBTI Christians deal with coming out and being accepted in their families and faith communities. The launch is 6.30pm Wednesday 2 March at Australian Film Television and Radio School, Building 130, The Entertainment Quarter Moore Park. To attend, email John Wallace [email protected] by 26 February.
Small Biz Bus
Expert advice from Clearly Business advisors will be with the Small Biz Bus at Sydney Town Hall on Friday 26 February 8am to 3pm. Phone 1300 134 359 to make an appointment or email [email protected].