Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill

Following an extensive consultation process, I have drawn from feedback from health, aged care and regulatory stakeholders, and best practice across Australia to update my Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill, which I plan to introduce in Parliament in October.

I am confident that this bill provides the safest framework for people who are in the last stages of a terminal illness and whose pain and suffering has become unbearable, to get help to end their suffering peacefully, with dignity and surrounded by people they love.

In summary, changes cover: notification of residential aged care provider; review process moved from NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal to Supreme Court; oversight of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board by NSW Ombudsman; review of the Act two years after implementation instead of one; further defining the role of paramedics and health care workers; locked box provisions for the storage of the substance; and death certificate provisions.

The NSW Legislative Assembly crossbench and Opposition have written to the government seeking additional debate time to resolve the matter this year. We are the only state that has not legislated and the vast majority of people support the reform.

Details about my bill, FAQs and a flow chart of the process > HERE. I encourage you to join Dying with Dignity NSW’s campaign for reform > HERE.

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