Voluntary Assisted Dying Law
The historic passing of my Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill in the New South Wales Parliament will legislate a new end-of-life choice for people with an advanced terminal illness who can no longer bear their suffering.
It has been a long journey for the parliament, which has considered similar laws dating back 20 years. My bill had 28 co-sponsors from across the political divide and members from almost every party worked together to get it passed: it was the parliament at its best.
We had the support of an amazing grassroots campaign headed by Dying With Dignity and Go Gentle, backed by a range of organisations that included nurse, paramedic and hospital worker unions – representing people who are dying and people who have seen someone experience a bad death.
There will be an 18-month implementation period to give the Ministry of Health time to establish protocols, training, the new oversight board, and a care navigator service. The timeframe reflects what occurred in other states and consultation with Health.
NSW is the last state to legislate voluntary assisted dying and it is now time for the new Commonwealth Government to repeal laws that stop the territories from legislating in this field.
I thank everyone who shared their story, lobbied an MP or signed a petition – and for all your messages of support to my office! My speech moving that the bill be passed > HERE.