White Bay Tunnel Vision
Monday 19 March 2018
An article in The Sydney Morning Herald based on leaked reports shows White Bay will become the main construction site for the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link. Dredged contaminated sediment will be stored on site and huge concrete tubes built. Read article HERE.
Despite years of consultation and planning for The Bays Precinct, this is the first that local communities have heard of these plans. I am concerned about massive truck movements, 24 hour operations, noise, air and water pollution. The White Bay casting yard would need large areas to dry out the dredged material and a sunken dry dock to float huge tunnel tubes into the harbour. This is yet another ad hoc proposal – a master plan for The Bays Precinct is needed before further development is approved. In Parliament, I asked the Premier to clarify plans for the Bays Precinct: HERE. I’ll work with affected residents to call for details to be made public and to get protections for residential amenity.